Table of Contents


Now that you've figured out your setup, it's time to start thinking about streaming! Before you begin your ✨prosperous career✨ on Twitch, it's worth taking some time to consider some key tips and strategies that can dramatically impact the growth of your channel from the get-go. In this part of the guide, we'll walk through what you should plan ahead of time about your streams, ways to engage with your audience to gain followers, and best practices for different types of streams. With a little bit of planning and patience, your Twitch dreams are possible!


The most important part of growing your Twitch channel is making sure that you're streaming consistently, frequently, and on schedule!

Creating a Consistent Schedule 📅

Making and maintaining a consistent schedule is the most important step to making sure that you're not only putting in time streaming, but strategizing your growth. It's a very simple step, but it's the best way to let your audience know when they can watch you, promotes regular viewing, and makes you appear committed. After all, if someone found your stream and enjoyed it, but don't know when you'll stream again, it's pretty unlikely you've made a new viewer.

Don't just think of your potential audience when streaming: consistent streaming on schedule is what will allow people to get to know you and your content. Plus, it'll make viewers feel that they're a part of something exclusive by catching you on time. Your schedule can be as simple or as detailed as you'd like to make it. Whether it's just saying that you'll start streaming everyday at a certain time, or exactly what you're doing at what time, what matters is that people know when you're on.

CameronPhilipX uses a countdown timer that includes a glimpse when he's streaming that week.

CameronPhilipX uses a countdown timer that includes a glimpse when he's streaming that week.

Hasanabi includes when he's streaming in his channel description. Since he streams everyday for long periods of time, listing his start time is enough.

Hasanabi includes when he's streaming in his channel description. Since he streams everyday for long periods of time, listing his start time is enough.

Your schedule can be as simple as Dr. Disrespect or as detailed as Geek Sundry: you just need a schedule to start!

Your schedule can be as simple as Dr. Disrespect or as detailed as Geek Sundry: you just need a schedule to start!

Once you're rolling on a consistent schedule, it's possible to begin building loyal viewers. However, once that expectation is set, be careful to continue to follow it, otherwise you may risk upsetting your audience. If you need to take a break, communicate that with your audience on other platforms to let them know!

Streaming Frequently ⏰

Streaming frequently is undeniably the next most important piece, going hand in hand with creating a consistent schedule. Streaming frequently and for longer stretches of time increases the chances of new viewers finding your stream, and will mean more content! The common recommendation is to aim to stream for about four hours at a time, around four or more days a week. However, when you're just starting out, it may be more realistic to start out by getting used to streaming for more than an hour at a time for two to three days a week. In addition, some streamers advise against streaming everyday for long periods of time when you start out, as long stretches of time without viewers will hurt your average viewer count.

CameronPhilipX streams for around two hours at a time. He streamed for one and a half hours here, ending the stream when he completed his painting.

CameronPhilipX streams for around two hours at a time. He streamed for one and a half hours here, ending the stream when he completed his painting.

Hasanabi streams for 10 hours every day, commenting on news and videos.

Hasanabi streams for 10 hours every day, commenting on news and videos.

Plus, different types of streams might already lend themselves to different lengths of time — it's a bit of a toss up in the streaming community. Just stick to your schedule and stream for more than an hour at a time!
