Content Schedule and Format

When to post and how frequently

Try to post on weekdays during school hours. Aim for 1-3 posts a day but no more.

According to HubSpot's 2020 Instagram Engagement Report, educational organizations gain the most consistent traction during weekday hours from 11 AM to 4 PM. While peers check Instagram during class, in the halls or at lunch, Instagram posts will likely attract more attention and spread. Posting on weekday evenings is also recommended. Avoid posting on weekends unless it is breaking news, in which case you should post as soon as you can confirm.

Aim to post on Instagram at least once a school day to establish consistency. Try not to post more than 2-3 times a day. When narrowing down which stories to post, consider which have a larger potential audience.

Stories can be posted at any time during the school week since they will remain viewable for 24 hours. You should have 1-5 panels in your story at any point during the school week.

When to post vs. when to story

When to post

When to story

Making Posts with Canva/Photoshop

Rather than posting solely photos or screenshots of text, combine the two to make for a visually appealing aesthetic. Use either Photoshop or, a free, easy photo template/editing tool, to add text and photos to a square post.

Since Instagram squares are pretty small, use at most one large, horizontal/square photo. If the article leans itself to several smaller photos or 2-3 vertical photos, decide that as you design it. If the article has no photos, include a short quote or headline as block text (shown here) and expand in the caption.

Made by Rachel Schonberger with Canva

Made by Rachel Schonberger with Canva

See the "Keeping an Aesthetic" section below to learn about font/color palette selection.